
We received excellent advice from Darren on how to create an IMS.
Clear Quality were recommended from a company I used to work for as they had started to use Darren, who originally guided them through the ISO 9001:2015 transition, in which Clear Quality impressed. It was then decided that they would keep Darren & Clear Quality on to help maintain and upkeep their Quality Management system.
We received excellent advice from Darren on how to create an IMS to cover the ISO 9001:2015 & 14001:2015 standards and how to further develop what we already had in place so our processes and documentation were in line with the requirements. ISO 14001 was new to me so it was great to have someone to guide us through the process who fully understood the requirements and how our business worked, we also only decided to include 14001 half way through the process, none of this was an issue to Darren or Clear Quality.
The assessor had no observations and no non-conformances when it came to our certification audit.